Fuel Good Day Returns!
September 4, 2024

Tuesday, September 17 marks Lloydminster and District Co-op’s annual FUEL GOOD DAY. $0.05 cents from every litre of fuel sold at all four Lloyd Co-op gas bars will be donated to help feed local students through Lloydminster Catholic School Division and Lloydminster Public School Division breakfast programs.

Every litre counts on Fuel Good Day! So whether you need a little or a lot of fuel, swing to the north, south, east, or west Lloyd Co-op gas bars in support of local students.

Charity BBQs will be on site from 4 to 7 pm, with all proceeds invested in rural school breakfast programs:

Ironwells Co-op Gas Bar (east): Marwayne Jubilee School
18 Street Crossing Co-op Gas Bar (south):  Kitscoty Elementary School
Hampton Square Co-op Gas Bar (west): Neilburg School
North Stop Co-op Gas Bar (north): Hillmond Central School 

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